Web3 Swap
- What is the Web3 Swap Feature?
- What is Swap/Coin Exchange in Web3 Swap?
- What coins does Web3 Swap support?
- Why are the coins available for swap in Webview not available in Nanovest?
- What are Native Tokens and Swap Tokens on Web3 Swap?
- Which native coins are supported for exchange in Web3 Swap?
- What are the Volatility and Risks of the Coins That Can be Swapped on Web3 Swap?
- What blockchain networks does Web3 Swap support?
- Where can I find the Web3 Swap menu?
- How is the security of Web3 Swap transactions ensured?
- What is the minimum and maximum amount of coins that can be swapped in Web3 Swap?
- What are the minimum and maximum top-up limits for swap transactions?
- How do I transfer from Nanovest to Web3 Swap?
- How do I swap tokens from a native token to altcoins?
- How do I swap tokens from altcoins to native token?
- Can I use coins other than the native token in Nanovest for Web3 Swap transactions?
- How are the coins I have bought on the blockchain stored?
- How can I see the swap transactions I've made?
- How do I withdraw on Web3 Swap?
- Why is my transfer to Web3 Swap still in progress?
- Why is my withdrawal from Web3 Swap to Nanovest still in progress?
- Why does an error notification appear when performing a swap?
- Are there any fees for withdrawing and topping up coins on Web3 Swap?
- Is the coin swap process on Web3 Swap subject to fees?
- What is a gas fee?
- Will swap transactions be taxed?
- Does the price used for each coin available in Web3 use the median price?
- Can I Access and Withdraw My Coins Through Other Crypto Wallet Platforms?
- What should I do if the amount of coins I receive from a swap is different or cannot be exchanged?
- Is my Web3 Swap wallet safe if I change devices?