What is a day trade?

Day trading is the provision of buying and selling stocks on the same trading day.
You are only allowed to make a maximum of 3x day trades over 5 business days. After that, you cannot do it again, but you can still buy new shares or sell shares that you already own. You must wait for 5 business days to be able to day trade again.

For example:

  1. You buy TESLA shares on Monday February 12, 2024 at 22.00 WIB and sell them on Tuesday February 13, 2024 at 02.00 WIB (on the same trading day) then it will be counted as 1x day trade.
  2. On Tuesday February 13, 2024 you buy META shares at 23.00 WIB and sell them on Wednesday February 14, 2024 at 02.00 WIB (on the same trading day) it will be counted as 2x day trade
  3. On Wednesday February 14, 2024 you buy GOOGLE shares at 23.59 WIB and sell them on Thursday February 15, 2024 at 02.00 WIB (on the same trading day), it will be counted as 3x day trade.

After making 3x day trades, then you cannot day trade again for 5 business days.

*Notes: The United States stock exchange is open on Monday-Friday at 21:30 WIB - 04:00 WIB


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