How to Transfer Crypto to Non-Users on Nanovest?

Currently, this feature can be used by users to transfer crypto assets to other users or even non-users. To transfer crypto assets to a non-user, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Nanobyte Token (NBT) Crypto Asset page.

2. Click on the wallet icon on the NBT Crypto Asset page.

3. A pop-up window will appear and select the transfer option in the popup.

4. Search and select the recipient using a saved contact name, nanotag, or phone number.

5. Enter the amount of NBT to be transferred to the recipient.

6. Confirm the transfer amount, including adding any notes.

7. Enter your PIN code.

8. The transfer will be processed immediately.

As a note, this feature can be used to send crypto assets to non-users. However, if the non-user is the recipient of the transferred assets, they must complete the KYC process within 48 hours to access or use the assets fully in theLogo_horizontal.pngapplication. If KYC is not completed within 48 hours, the crypto assets will be automatically returned to the sender's wallet.

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