What is the withdrawal limit for Crypto assets in the Nanovest application?

Maximum withdrawal of Crypto assets is IDR 1.000,000,000/day, while the minimum amount of withdrawing Crypto assets can be seen in the following table:


Asset Name Available Network Min withdrawal
1 ETH ERC20 0.0098
2 ETH Base 0.00100
3 BTC Bitcoin 0.001
4 BTC Bitcoin (Segwit) 0.001
5 USDT BEP20 10
6 USDT ERC20 50
7 USDT Tron (TRC20) 10
8 USDC ERC20 50
9 NBT BEP20 32
10 BNB BEP20 0.01
11 MATIC Polygon 10
12 SOL Solana 0.01

Attention: Make sure your balance and withdrawal amount exceeds the provisions so that your withdrawal can be processed.

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